
Cutting Scale

  • GIA divides a diamond's cutting scale into 5 grades:
  • Excellent Cut (EX) This grade of diamonds represents the top 3% of diamonds in respect of cut. They reflect light entering in and offer outstanding brilliance and long lasting value.
    Very Good Cut (VG) This grade of diamonds represents the top 10% of diamonds in respect of cut. They reflect almost the same amount of light with Excellent Cut diamonds. The difference between EX and VG cut diamonds are negligible, and cannot distinguishable by untrained eyes. Even professional gemologists may have to use 100x magnifying glasses to detect the difference. VG Cut diamonds are also recommended for proposals and long term investment purposes.
    Good Cut (G) This grade of diamonds represents the top 25% of diamonds in respect of cut. They reflect most of the light entering into them. If budget is a constraint, a good cut diamond can be an option.
    Fair Cut (F) This grade of diamonds represents a fair quality of cut, the reflection effects is noticeably not as good as a good cut diamond. Bee’s Diamonds do not supply this grade of diamonds.
    Poor Cut The cut is too shallow or too deep, causing light to leak from bottom and sides of a diamond. We do not supply this grade of diamonds.
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